
Menampilkan postingan dari 2020


TOKYO LOKAMA dari @streetboba ini adalah minuman fresh milk boba pake lotus biscoff !!! Sebenernya aku gak terlalu suka minuman boba tapi pas tau streetboba ngeluarin rasa lotus langsung kepo banget sama rasa dan wujudnya kaya gimana ... Karena aku suka banget sama lotus biscoff jadi buat rasa minumannya udah pasti aku bilang WENAKK TENAN . Bisa dilihat dari fotonya aja udah bikin ngilerr kan ??? hahahaha lostus biscoff nya liat deh gak pelit , super banyak nempel di dinding gelasnya jadi harus dikocok dulu ya sampe rata biar kerasa banget lotusnya. Selain itu minum ini berasa creamy banget ihhh sukakkk !! Kalo untuk boba nya teksturnya kenyal dan rasanya gak begitu manis sih menurutku , tapi overall enak dan hampir sempurna banget nih minuman. Oh iya untuk harga nya ber variasi ya kalo untuk rasa lotus ini cuma 29ribu aja. So what are you waiting for? buruan cobain ya minuman kekinian ini Semoga review dari aku membantu kalian yaa teman-teman Thank you


Jadi aku tau supermarket viral ini dari aplikasi tiktok. Supermarket ini namanya KKV yang berada di salah satu Mall besar di Jakarta yaitu Central Park Mall.Aku bener bener tergiur banget kan ngeliat postingan orang-orang yang pada kesini ,karena selain ter-lengkap ternyata harga nya pun murah murah banget woy!!! Makanya pas New normal aku langsung ajak mamaku ke KKV Centrak park untuk shopping. Dan ternyata disana bener-bener selengkap itu lhoo ... Ada bermacam skincare lokal dan import juga  , ada sabun dan bathbomb yang bentuk nya lucu lucu banget , makeup products juga ada ,food & drink , nail polish , parfume, tanaman asli / palsu yang aesthetic banget , fashion , dolls, stationery ,jewellery , baju , jeans , hijab , makeup tools dan masih banyak lagi guys . Nah yang bikin greget itu harga nya START FROM Rp.9.900 GILAA KAN??!!!!?? Oh iya lupa KKV store nya luas banget dan ada di lantai LGM floor yaa Semoga informasi dari aku sangat membantu kalian buat yang pengen cari apapun


OMG OMG OMG !!!!! Ini salah satu shade kecintaan aku banget dari awal @maybelline launching superstay matte ink liquid lipstick ini langsung aku kepo banget sama warna dan formulanya yang ajaib bisa tahan seharian. awalnya agak bingung banget kan mau beli shade apa karena banyak banget pilihan shade nya dan akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk beli shade Seductress & Lover ini super bagus banget , pigmentasinya juga mantul parah begitu juga dengan formulannya yang lembut dibibir dan gak bikin bibir kita kering walaupun matte seharian. Kenapa aku pilih 2 shade ini karena warna nude nya itu yang pas banget buat mengcover warna bibirku yang agak gelap. Oh iya yang paling penting lagi nih HARGA NYA TERJANGKAU dan LONGLASTING PARAH walaupun seharian kita makan kuliner atau minum apapun itu sama sekali GAK TRANSFER GITU dan karena lagi pandemi kaya ini kita kan pasti pake masker dong kemana mana itu juga sama sekali gak transfer ke masker kita lhoo ... ih super keren banget kan !!! Btw lipmatte


They will be "completely reimagined" to tell the story of 2009's "The Princess and the Frog," which starred an African-American Princess Tiana. = The function if which   is itu fungsi pronoun untuk bantu kata kerja starred "The new concept is inclusive -– one that all of our guests can connect with and be inspired by, and it speaks to the diversity of the millions of people who visit our parks each year," Disney said in a statement. = The function if  who is ini jg fungsi pronoun untuk bantu kata kerja visit Disney said the "retheming of Splash Mountain is of particular importance today ," but emphasized that it had been working on the changes since last year, and has a long history of updating attractions. = The function if today is ini fungsi mutlak adverb yg nerangin kata kerja (verb) ratheming   "Song of the South," best known today for its Oscar-winning tune "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah," has never been released on


He said that although most o7uf the aircraft were grounded, the airlines still had costs, not only parking fees but also for maintenance services. = the function if “still” in this sentence is refers to the sbg addition yg mengacu ke "had costs" Denon , therefore , urged the government to start disbursing the promised financial incentives to enable local airlines keep afloat in this difficult situation. = the function if “therefore” in this sentence is refers to the sbg cause-effect bentuk adverb yg menyatakan sebab-akibat ke kata/kalimat selanjutnya “We are still serving passengers on domestic and international routes that are not connected with red zones,” read the Garuda statement. = the function if “still” in this sentence is refers to the sbg addition jg yg mengacu ke verb"serving" Lorena-Karina has a total of 400 passenger vehicles and 200 cargo vehicles. However, it has had to park up 95 percent of these vehicles and lay o


On April 2, the government presented a National Intelligence Agency (BIN) model on COVID-19 cases . The fact that the government is relying on the intelligence agency to predict COVID19 cases and, presumably, design the policy based on it, is deeply troubling. So far, the epidemiology basis of the model is far from clear. So, let us just use a model that I happened to know from Ariawan et al. (2020) from the University of Indonesia’s School of Public Health instead. This model actually has been presented before the COVID-19 fast response team as well as the National  Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) — there is no reason for the government to say that we do not have a model because of lack of data or the government is not informed by our own epidemiologists. = the function if "impersonal there" in this sentence is refers to the National Intelligence Agency (BIN) model on COVID-19 cases ( there nya expletive soalnya dibantu is, th

ENGLISH TALK “Find The Direct Speech On This Article”

The direct speech from this article are :  1.    "unprecedented and far-reaching" : Simple present tense 2.  "But the scale of how many cases we get and how fast we get them is something we should do as much as we can to slow," : Simple present tense 3 .  "We must go hard and we must go early." : Simple present tense 4.  "There's no doubt this will have a significant impact on New Zealand's economy but our priority is to ensure we reduce the impacts of COVID-19 as much as we can," : Simple future tense