
Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2020


On April 2, the government presented a National Intelligence Agency (BIN) model on COVID-19 cases . The fact that the government is relying on the intelligence agency to predict COVID19 cases and, presumably, design the policy based on it, is deeply troubling. So far, the epidemiology basis of the model is far from clear. So, let us just use a model that I happened to know from Ariawan et al. (2020) from the University of Indonesia’s School of Public Health instead. This model actually has been presented before the COVID-19 fast response team as well as the National  Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) — there is no reason for the government to say that we do not have a model because of lack of data or the government is not informed by our own epidemiologists. = the function if "impersonal there" in this sentence is refers to the National Intelligence Agency (BIN) model on COVID-19 cases ( there nya expletive soalnya dibantu is, th